Please review the following tips to ensure your application is competitive.
- Consider registering for an Honors course during your first year. Non-Honors students can register for an Honors course on a space-available basis starting the third day of each semester by completing this form via their UF G Suite account. Requests to register must be submitted by 4:00pm ET on the last day of drop/add. Students who have taken an Honors course tend to be well-informed about the program and write more specifically and genuinely about why they want to be part of it.
- Demonstrate an interest in fully participating in the program. It is often obvious when a student is solely interested in one particular benefit of the program such as early registration. Likewise, demonstrate an interest in academic engagement in general.
- Answer all aspects of each prompt. This is the first question reviewers ask themselves - did the essay address each component of the prompt? No matter how well-written an essay may be, if the applicant does not address all of the prompt, they will not be recommended for admission.
- Write cleanly and professionally. Consider how humor or sarcasm might be interpreted. This should go without saying, but do not share your stereotypes about Honors students or express anger over not being admitted previously if applicable. Proofread. Perfect grammar is not expected, but neither are typos.