Honors Athletics is a group of UF Honors students passionate about emotional and physical health who love playing recreational sports. Honors Athletics serves to promote a healthy lifestyle and teamwork amongst Honors students through recreational sports, regardless of experience.


Honors Athletics hosts events and meetings for UF Honors students who like being active, are passionate about physical and emotional health and love playing recreational sports.


Honors Athletics welcomes all Honors students, regardless of skill level or sports experience. Join the GroupMe linked below to find out when and where Honors Athletics is meeting, show up and have fun!

For the Fall 2024 semester, Honors Athletics will be meeting every Tuesday (starting 8/27) from 7:00pm - 8:00pm at Norman Field. All you need is a positive attitude, and you can show up and play games any Tuesday. Use GroupMe to find out what sport will be played each week.

To hold membership status, and be eligible to run for a leadership position, students must attend 1/2 of the meetings in the Fall and Spring semesters. Honors students with questions about the group or how to get involved should reach out to the executive board via GroupMe, Instagram or email.


  • President: Jack Wardlaw
  • Vice President: Jack McKee
  • Secretary: Matt Wolf
  • Treasurer: Carson Roland
  • Social Media Coordinator: Aidan Bryant
  • Risk Management Coordinator: Cal McGowan
  • Director of Intramurals: David Curtis

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Renee Clark

Membership status is required to be eligible to apply for a leadership position- this means attending at least 1/2 meetings from the Fall and Spring semesters.

In March, applications will be released for each position. All eligible and running candidates will give a 1-3 minute presentation and members will vote through a supervised election. Candidates with the most votes earn the position. 


Follow Honors Athletics on Instagram and join our GroupMe for the latest information and events.

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