HoW Student Newsletter


The Honors on Wednesday (HoW) News is an official UF Honors e-publication sent to all honors students. All currently enrolled honors students are automatically subscribed. Postings are specially curated from a variety of sources.

The HoW includes the following categories:

  • Honors Program Office Announcements - advising info, deadlines, workshops, course info, fellowships
  • Honors Completion / Milestone Announcements - deadlines and reminders
  • Honors Student Engagement Announcements - honors student org activities, leadership opportunities, social events and trips 
  • Academic Announcements and Opportunities - academic lectures, research, study abroad, internships / career information
  • Leadership, Volunteer, and Community Opportunities - 

Note, we do not include general UF student organization announcements outside of select leadership or volunteer opportunities.


Send us your announcements

  • Submissions are due each Tuesday at noon for that week's HoW.
  • Submissions that do not contain honors-specific information typically only run once.
  • Information submitted well in advance of an event will be held until the week prior, so please do not resubmit your information if it has not run yet.
  • Submit your information here after reviewing the guidelines below.



  • Be succinct - limit submissions to ~150 words.
  • Content:
    • For all postings, include a contact and/or a website link for more details. 
    • For events, include the date, time, location, and RSVP deadline (if applicable).
    • For application-based announcements, include the application URL and deadline.
  • Format:
    • For websites, social media accounts, and emails, list the entire URL / address vs. hyperlinking text. Note: they will be hyperlinked in the actual HoW.
    • Do not include any text formatting (bold, italics, underline), bullets, special characters or all-caps.
    • We are unable to include pictures or attachments.
    • Limit the use of exclamation points! One is okay; one after every sentence is not.
    • Remove fluff such as "see you there" or "we can't wait to see you"


Submissions with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or those which do not adhere to the submission guidelines above will not be accepted.

HoW Archives (must be on the UF network to access).

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