Honors "Power Boosters"

Honors "Power Boosters" are attributes of the Honors Program designed to add value to each honors student's experience, using our program's pillars of Opportunity, Community, and Challenge as a guide.

Learn more about how we're helping honors students "level up" through the following:

Honors Signature Experiences designed to add interdisciplinary breadth

Learn more here.


Tailored opportunities to gain disciplinary depth outside of the classroom

  • Upper-division honors opportunities or tracks in select academic departments and colleges
  • Mentored research culminating in an honors thesis in the major
  • Opportunities to develop exhibitions or performances, compete on design or case study teams, or gain other practical and immersive experience in the field

Learn more here.


An unparalleled community of student and faculty scholars


Personalized support at all stages

  • A nationally-recognized honors advising model that is holistic, comprehensive, and strategically focused
  • Support for making sound academic and career decisions
  • Encouragement to Experience the UnCommon, in whatever way, shape, or form that may take
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