Spring 2021 Interdisciplinary Courses

These courses are interdisciplinary in nature and are often team-taught.

Please use the UF Schedule of Courses to find times, places, and other course information.

CourseSectionClass Number Title Day/Period CrdInstructor Syllabus 
IDH3931  3932  24966  Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury  Face-to-Face R/9-10  2 Wang, Ka W.  
IDH3931  3933  24967 STEM Essentials: Discovering Research and Communicating Science R/5 1 Nolan, Michelle/Gonzalez, Sara  
IDH3931 3937 25731 Potterology R/9  T/10 T/11-E1 2 Brewer, Chris/Bunnell, Amelia  

Understanding Brain Injuries

Class #24966 Face-to-Face

Annually, 1.7 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the US. The spectrum of TBI includes severe, moderate and mild TBI as well as concussions.  This course will use a single book “Brain Neurotrauma: Molecular, Neuropsychological, and Rehabilitation Aspects” by Firas H. Kobeissy” to bring together our understanding of the various aspects of TBI – including socioeconomic aspects, clinical practices in the diagnosis and management and treatment of TBI, clinical and basic research advances and the short and long term sequelae of concussion in sports.


STEM Essentials: Discovering Research and Communicating Science

Class #24967 - This course will provide the information research skills necessary for students to succeed as researchers in STEM disciplines, including finding scientific literature and communicating research results in the scientific community. We will include guest lectures from a variety of areas on their research, available undergraduate research opportunities, and what skills they see as essential for success. Learning in this class will be self-directed with each student selecting a scientific topic of interest to them personally for course readings and projects.

Effective Communication in a Digital World

Class #24963 Face-to-Face
Class #30827 Online

Using various forums, technology provides a convenient method for people to communicate with each other locally and worldwide. This course will provide a historical overview about several computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools, analyze the impact of digital tools and social networks on interpersonal communication, and present information to help students effectively communicate in a digital world, improve communication skills, and expand their professional network.

Mapping Your (un)common Path

Class #25654 Face-to-Face
Class #28568 Online

With opportunities abound, choosing what experiences to pursue in college can be a challenge. This course is designed to help new honors students examine their unique interests and determine a path to experiential opportunities that support academic pursuits. Through guided exploration and resource sharing, students will define goals, locate meaningful opportunities, and secure techniques to ensure those opportunities become a reality. Students will leave the course with a clear path towards tailored co-curricular involvement.

Potterology: A Muggle's Guide to Making Sense of the Magic

Class #25731 - This course aims to interpret and explain some of the magic of Harry Potter in a way we muggles can understand.  While most of our time will be spent studying Potions, this course will also feature other subjects such as Herbology, Astronomy, and Care of Magical Creatures.  This two-credit class will meet for a one-hour lecture and a three-hour lab (or excursion) each week.

Prerequisites for the course are a basic knowledge of chemistry and of Harry Potter.  CHM1025 (or equivalent) is required.  Students should have read all seven of the books and/or seen all eight of the movies.

Grades will be determined primarily by attendance/participation and assignments done during the labs.  A final project will require students to choose some piece of magic (a spell, a potion, etc.), research where J.K. Rowling may have gotten the idea, and propose a way we could replicate it in our world.



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